E&J XO Brandy

750ml Bottle

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    E & J Gallo Winery
    40% Alcohol
    Modesto, California
    Product Description

    Nothing is smoother than our E&J XO Brandy. The latest addition to our family, E&J XO is the pinnacle of fine brandy. Bold and seductively smooth, nothing compliments the night quite like E&J XO Brandy. E&J XO Brandy is Barrel-aged and Charcoal-filtered to create the ultimate level of smooth, each velvety sip comes with a hint of vanilla, creamy toffee, and brown sugar. E&J XO is handcrafted to bring out the sweet vanilla, creamy toffee, brown sugar and soft maple characteristics of toasted oak. Hints of lavender and hibiscus entice the nose, with complementary flavors of dried pears and figs.